The SoapboxVR is a on-going project developped for the SoapBox Islington Youth Centre located near Old Street, London. The digital twin was only the first phase of exploring how to use VR as an active technology not only to bring young people together but also to give them opportunities to use the state of the art in simulation training and socialVR. For the last couple of month, we have been running the first program using VR as the main mean to share knowledge with participants.
“Pierre has supported work with socially excluded young people at Soapbox Youth Centre since 2017 and in that time he has been instrumental in helping to develop our work with virtual reality. Not only has this seen young people develop Specialist and Higher Level digital skills unavailableto them anywhere else, but it has also seen Pierre become a central figure in our efforts to deliver 21st Century youth work.
This is no better exemplified than through his work in the building of our virtual reality youth centre. This not only has transformative potential for work at Soapbox, but also for online youth work across the UK and beyond. ” James Dellow, Soapbox Islington.